
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

invertebrates animals

Invertebrates are animals that belong to a large animal group. These animals do not belong to a single sub-phylum like the vertebrates. The invertebrates are those animals without a Invertebrates organisms and mostly form a colony of individual cell that function as one. All the cells in the colony have a particular function. They have no cell walls and many have tissues, except the sponges. Most of the invertebrates produce sexually. Most of the invertebrates can move about except the adult sponges. There are many invertebrates that follow symmetrical organization. This means one can draw a line down the middle of the animal and the two sides will be similar like mirror images. Invertebrates are heterotrops that feed on plants and animals. The invertebrates include the following animals: The vertebrates are grouped under sub-phylum Vertebrata. The vertebrates are animals that posses an internal skeleton, that is, endoskeleton. This endoskeltons is made up of a internal column of vertebrae. The sub phylum Vertebrata is grouped within the phylum Chordata. The vertebrates form the most advanced organisms on the planet. Vetebrates are larger than the invertebrates. Most of the vertebrates have an advanced nervous system, that makes them smarter. The other characteristics of vertebrates include a bilateral symmetry, body segmentation, complete digestive system, closed blood system, bony or cartilaginous endoskeleton, tail and ventral heart.


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